The Maker's Photography Styling System
A step-by-step guide for taking better photos of your ceramics in less time.
In this course, you will go from feeling overwhelmed at the idea of styling your photos to being confident in using a clear system that gives you consistent results in less time.
Before we talk about the details, is this course even for you?
You've been thinking there must be a better way. There must be a solution to taking great photos but without wasting so much time. And if you could only just find the right information, you'd be able to confidently share more of your work and (ultimately) sell more of that work.
Whether you:
Are overwhelmed by the idea of having to photograph your work (You’ve likely bought a couple of photography products - like those white product boxes - but still don’t quite know what to do) or…
Are side-hustling to sell your ceramics online, and hate the feeling of wasting what little spare time you have trying to take photos of your work (and
then not being happy with how those photos turned out) or …Have already spent hours searching around on Youtube for photography tutorials, only to feel like you still don’t really know what to do…
You are in the right place.
And I'm going to show you exactly how The Maker's Photography Styling System can be the easy, step-by-step solution you've always dreamed about. Working together, with weekly bite-size lessons, direct support, and video Q&A, at the end of these
6 weeks you will be taking the photos you've always wanted while also
saving yourself hours of time.
By the end of The Maker's Photography Styling System you will have...
Harnessed the power of strong compositions.
Instead of not knowing why you like some photos and don't like others.Learned how to quickly & easily integrate props into your photos.
Without overspending on supplies.Infused your own unique style into your images with colors and textures.
Rather than have the same stock photos everyone else creates online.Tackled The Flat Lay.
And come out the other side with an easy to follow system.Created a large photo library full of variety and detail, showcasing your work online just as it looks in real life.
In less time than it previously took you just to take one batch of photos.Implemented a step-by-step system for photographing your work every single time.
While gaining a community of other makers to lean on.
"Brilliant course Rebecca, thank you. Feel like I have learnt so much in such a short time. Love the way you layered up the content week by week."
Jackie Wright of @jackiewrightceramics
Enroll in The Maker's Photography Styling System Today
(All prices are listed in USD. 3 x 99 = 297. We do not charge additional fees if you need to break up the cost of the course. Payments are scheduled every 2 weeks)
“I'm actually having fun getting the photos I've always wanted. I used to be overwhelmed and confused by what to do, but now I'm almost a little bit addicted to taking photos!"
Pamela, a relieved student and art teacher herself!
The Course (in detail)
Module 1: Understanding Composition
The goal of this module is to know what you are actually looking for. We'll discuss:
Foreground, middle-ground & backgrounds (and how to harness all 3 for better photos)
The Rule of Thirds (Plus my first Quick Tip to implement immediately)
Vertical views vs. Flat Lays
Module 2: Functional Props
In our second week we'll begin adding more interest to your photos with props, without adding time to your day. In these lessons you'll be learning:
How adding one prop can showcase the scale & function of your pieces.
How to infuse movement in your images without overcomplicating things.
How to create layering and interest quickly and repeatably, (no matter how different your pieces are).
Module 3: Playing with Color & Texture
It's time to level things up, my friends! By the end of Module 3 you'll be infusing your own style and unique aesthetic into your images by:
Harnessing the power of color theory
Intentionally choosing what to include (or not include) in your images
Infusing texture in a way that emphasizes your pieces and makes them stand out (rather than all those distractions you've been battling against)
Module 4: The Flat Lay
The most desired after image on the internet. The creme de la creme of photography styling... And you'll be photographing it with ease. Module 4 digs into:
How to get the angle right (and avoid distorting your pieces)
How to style without taking all day (and still have it look natural)
How to still add layers, even when working on a flat surface (Whaaaaat?! Yes, it's like black magic, but way less scary)
Module 5: Creating Variety
You want great photos, fast, but you don't want those photos to look the exact same over and over and over again. In our final week, you will discover how to:
Easily create a variety of images without changing your setup.
Change the look of your images by changing lenses (the only lesson that can't be done with a cell phone - yet still gives cell phone hacks!)
Consider creating an ambiance and feeling in photos that showcase different times of day and lighting.
"I cannot tell you how helpful this course was for not only improving the composition and style of our photos, but also for showing us how to take photos in a fraction of the time! We 100% recommend this course for any potter who struggles to capture [their pots] on camera! Worth every penny!"
Lisa & David Dault of Dault Pottery

So Here's the Deal…
(Spoiler: It's a $997 retail value, but it doesn’t cost you that much)
5 Modules (with 3 lessons each)
Walking you through my entire styling process I've honed over the last 14 years as a professional photographer, consistently styling photos in minutes in ever-changing,
less-than-ideal places, all over the world.Step-by-step guidance & Lifetime access
Video modules, downloadable PDFs, short cheat-sheet reminders & fast tips make referencing all you'll be learning quick & easy now, but also for months to come.
Video Q&A
Not only am I personally available to respond to questions (particularly within the first 6 weeks), you will have access to our Monthly Photo Q&A sessions, normally only available inside of the Community, for the first 6 months.
By committing only 1 hour per week, you'll be learning and implementing these new skills - assuring that within 6 weeks , you are proud of the brand new photos you'll be taking and saving loads of time!
PLUS an Ever-Growing list of Bonuses to Make Sure You Never Get Stuck.
Here are just a couple examples:
Bonus #1: Behind-the-Scenes Video Tutorial of a Live Shoot with Rebecca
Thinking what I'm teaching can't possibly be all I do? Wondering if there's some other "secret" that isn't shared? Join me for a full reveal of how I shoot all of my own ceramics work, step-by-step.
($250 value)
Bonus #2: Editing 101
But what about editing? What about editing on your phone? By the end of this course, you might find you don’t actually need to edit your photos anymore, but just in case - In this bonus I’ll show you the tiny, quick adjustments I make on my own photos, both via Adobe Lightroom on my computer and through a free app on my cell phone, so no matter your needs, we’ve got you covered!
($250 value)
Bonus #3: Organizing Your Files
Now you have gorgeous photos in less time, but getting them organized and online - whether in your webshop or on social media - is still a total hassle. Watch as I show you my tried & true way for organizing literally thousands of photos using nothing more than the your computer’s built-in filing system.
($250 value)
Enroll in The Maker's Photography Styling System Today
(All prices are listed in USD. 3 x 99 = 297. We do not charge additional fees if you need to break up the cost of the course. Payments are scheduled every 2 weeks)
No Risks.
30-day Guarantee.
If you do the work and you aren't seeing results. I'll give you your money back. Plain and simple.
But here's how that works:
Each module comes with clear, easy-to-follow practice suggestions, so you'll need to show me that you actually did those assignments. Otherwise, it's like sending a meal back to the chef after you've eaten half of it... Did you really not like the way the pasta was cooked?
If you only spend 1 hour per week watching and practicing the content, after 30 days you will have been able to complete 4 out of the 5 modules - so I'm not holding back the content with this risk-free guarantee. I understand how hard it is to make a living from the things you make, and I want you to know, without a shadow of a doubt, I've built this course to make your life easier.
Frequently Asked Questions
No problem! The lessons, tips, tricks, and all-around principles shared throughout the entire course have nothing to do with what kind of camera you use. There are only 2 (out of 15) lessons that speak specifically about camera gear, and even in those, I provide cell-phone-only workaround solutions.
I built this course specifically for you my friend!! All materials are recorded so you can take this at your own pace - whether that’s a binge-half-the-lesons-in-one-afternoon sort of pace, or more of the slow & stead, 1 hour per week pace.
If you can commit only 1 hour per week (like 1 hour on Sunday. That's not even asking you to give up your entire Netflix time) you will have enough time to not only watch each week's lessons but also practice the skills and be entirely complete with the course in 6 weeks.
NOPE. Spoiler alert: By week 2, you'll have a brainstormed list of "equipment" and props you can use that are mostly already in your home. And if you don't already own them, it's only a matter of a $10-20 stop at your local hardware store.
Yes. At least, as much as humanly possible. I'm only one woman on the other side of the computer here after all. During the initial 6 weeks of the course I'll be answering questions ASAP (typically once per day). After that I will always still be available to answer questions, but typically check in about once per week.
We also have Live Q&A sessions , once a month, for the first 6 months! Questions can be submitted in advance, so even if you can't join live, you can still ask questions and get direct, video supported responses, you can watch at your convenience.
Your access to the course materials is endless! As long as the Maker’s Playbook exists, you’ll have access to your course materials and let’s put it this way… Self-employed artists, like myself, aren’t known for retiring early ;-)
Access to our monthly Community live Photo Q&A video hangouts & recordings is included for the initial 6 months, with the option to extend when the time comes.
Now! As soon as your checkout is complete, you’ll have immediate access to MPSS. BUT the doors to The Maker's Photography Styling System close on February 21st at 5:00pm CST or once we hit max capacity, whichever comes first! I am very hands-on with all of my classes, so space is limited.
Remember, all course lessons and Q&A sessions are recorded so you do not have to join live.
All course materials are recorded. For the last 4 years, our 250+ students have taken MPSS at whatever pace suits their own life - whether that be binge the whole thing in a day or take it one 15 minute lesson at a time, squeezing it into an already busy schedule.
Given we have students from all over the word, even the monthly live Q&A opportunities are always recorded so you don’t have to worry about missing a thing!

Having one of those "Ugh... I'm not sure..." moments?
Well first off, I've been there. Over the last 14 years of being self-employed, I've invested in my share of online programs. Some were worth it, and frankly, some weren't, so I get it. First things first, if you have a question I haven't answered here, send me an email (education@makers-playbook.com).
But let's get to the heart of the matter...
I know you're busy. I know you're overwhelmed with the to-do lists (and the wishlists). The idea of adding one more commitment is enough to make you curl up under the covers and never come back out.
But I also know you need to save time. If you're going to make this crazy thing work (you know, the whole making a living from the things you make, thing?), you need better photos of your work and you need taking those photos to take as little time as possible.
After all, that's exactly why you spent the time reading this entire website page anyway, isn't it?
You've been looking for a better way. You've been wishing there was a system out there - a step-by-step solution that you could simply follow along and VOILA you know how to take the photos you've been hoping for.
Well my friend, here's your sign. This is it. I'm a professional photographer with a side-hustle in ceramics. You can't find a more specific combination for teaching photography to potters and other makers (Believe me. I looked).
Together, let's make photographing your work easier. Not just so you can sell more of that work online, but more importantly, so you can reclaim hours of your life back.
Together, we can do this.
I created this course because I believe the more independent artists that build not only viable businesses but thriving businesses, the better our world will be. Small businesses have a disproportionate (positive) impact on their communities and their local economies. While I might not have the influence or clout to start a national social movement, I do have over a decade's worth of experience that I can use to help other artists build their own businesses.
At the end of the day, I want to make one thing - on the very long list of things you need to do - EASIER. I want to lighten that load and give you back hours to your day. I want you to spend those hours taking care of yourself, spending time with the people you love, reading a great book, cuddling your dog, actually getting a full 8 hours of sleep, or (let's be honest) practicing this craft you love so much.
And then, I want you to build the business of your dreams. I want you to prove to yourself (and your belittling cousin) that you can make a living as an artist, and it's pretty darn beautiful.
Should you choose to join me inside The Maker's Photography Styling System, I promise to personally journey right alongside you, answering questions as they arise in order to make sure you finally do not get stuck on how to take photos of your art (plus, don't forget, it's risk-free for the first 30 days, so there's that!). 6 weeks from now we will be virtually cheers'ing together because you'll be spending your Sundays relaxing on the couch, rather than fighting with your camera. So... What do you say?
Ready to start taking better photos, faster?
Enroll in The Maker's Photography Styling System Today
(All prices are listed in USD. 3 x 99 = 297. We do not charge additional fees if you need to break up the cost of the course. Payments are scheduled every 2 weeks)