Ep 613: Where are they now? with Kara Leigh Ford

As an avid podcast listener, long before I ever started this show, I was always curious about what had happened to entrepreneurs and small business owners after the interview was over. was everything still working the way they described during that interview or had things changed? On this "Where Are They Now" series, we answer that very question of some of our past podcast guests. This week, I'm sitting back down again with Kara Leigh Ford to discuss all that's changed since I last spoke with her back in January of 2021. Since then, her husband has left his corporate job to pursue his own passions, which has shifted the demands of Kara's business into being the primary source of economic support for their household. Through strategic pivots—balancing pottery-making, teaching, Patreon content, and publishing two books—Kara has discovered that success isn't always about exponential growth but intentional choices that protect joy and wellbeing. Their household has not only survived this transition but found new equilibrium, with Tom now signed to a record label and Kara experiencing greater clarity about her priorities as a maker. This chat with Kara is a great reminder that the true measure of success isn't necessarily constant expansion, but rather designing a business that supports the life you actually want to live.

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Resources in this Episode

Click here for Kara’s website

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